1. Newsletter – Efficiency now! (EN)

Episode 11 – Lean and safety in the workplace: 

Is is possible to increase productivity and safety at the same time? Is is possible to increase productivity and safety at the same time? Workplace safety is a topic that resonates across all industries. And rightly so. Employees have the right to work in an environment where risks of injury and health hazards are minimized. …

Episode 11 – Lean and safety in the workplace:  Pokračovat ve čtení »

Episode 10 – The Customer at the Heart of Lean Manufacturing“.

One of the main principles of Lean Manufacturing is a clear customer focus. Every process, every step and every decision in Lean Manufacturing is driven by the question: Does it deliver value to the customer? The goal of Lean is to identify and eliminate waste, i.e. activities that the customer does not perceive as valuable …

Episode 10 – The Customer at the Heart of Lean Manufacturing“. Pokračovat ve čtení »

Episode 9 – Why don’t I like ineffective meetings?

Because when you have a boss who is constantly generating meetings instead of solving the problem itself, he or she can overload half the staff. Yes, this happened to me in one company. That’s why I hardly saw anyone for the first 2 weeks on a project, due to the fact that everyone was sitting …

Episode 9 – Why don’t I like ineffective meetings? Pokračovat ve čtení »

Episode 8 – How to measure the success of LEAN implementation in your company?

Implementing LEAN principles is now common practice in many companies. However, implementation alone does not mean success. The key is to be able to measure the impact of these initiatives to know if they are actually leading to improved performance and delivering the expected results. Many companies struggle with how to objectively evaluate the success …

Episode 8 – How to measure the success of LEAN implementation in your company? Pokračovat ve čtení »

Episode 7 – Why is employee engagement key to successful LEAN initiatives?

Implementing LEAN principles promises greater efficiency, less waste and better results. However, for any LEAN initiative to truly succeed, it is essential that all employees across the organization are involved – from management to those who carry out day-to-day operations. Why is employee engagement so crucial and how can it be achieved? Sustainable change comes …

Episode 7 – Why is employee engagement key to successful LEAN initiatives? Pokračovat ve čtení »

Episode 6 – LEAN and Digital Transformation.

Today more than ever, manufacturing companies are leveraging digital technologies to best support their journey to more efficient production. How does the LEAN philosophy fit into this context? Very well! 🔄 LEAN methodologies are focused on eliminating waste and maximizing customer value. With the rise of digitalisation, these principles can be made even more effective. …

Episode 6 – LEAN and Digital Transformation. Pokračovat ve čtení »

Episode 5 – What are the most common mistakes when implementing LEAN in manufacturing companies?

LEAN is an effective methodology aimed at increasing productivity, eliminating waste and continuously improving processes in companies. Although there are significant benefits to implementing LEAN, many manufacturing companies make mistakes that can jeopardize its success. Below we look at the most common mistakes made when implementing LEAN and how to avoid them. 1. Poor or …

Episode 5 – What are the most common mistakes when implementing LEAN in manufacturing companies? Pokračovat ve čtení »

Episode 4 – What is continuous improvement?

The ideal intersection of 3 sets: I know, I can and I want – NIRVANA! How to determine the maturity of a plant in LEAN? There are lots of options, I like to use this one. The audit includes many categories, whether focusing on: „(A) skills, technical part – layout, machines“. „(B) management“ (processes, meetings, …

Episode 4 – What is continuous improvement? Pokračovat ve čtení »

Episode 3 – What does the term „LEAN“ actually mean?

I am a LEANbuilder, a promoter of the common sense method, but what is Lean? Lean Manufacturing is an English term that originated as a summary of the manufacturing techniques of the Toyota Production System. It is a manufacturing philosophy that, by eliminating sources of waste, reduces the time between customer order, product manufacture and …

Episode 3 – What does the term „LEAN“ actually mean? Pokračovat ve čtení »

Episode 2 – Bonus variable component: the way to make companies and employees rich.

In every company, at some point in time, a discussion will start whether to have 100% of the salary fixed or to choose a combination of fixed and variable elements. It is complicated to introduce a variable component where only the fixed part works, because employees fear that the change will serve to reduce their …

Episode 2 – Bonus variable component: the way to make companies and employees rich. Pokračovat ve čtení »